Friday, 8 July 2011

Step by Step, Closer and Closer

Firstly, apologies to everyone for not updating this blog more regularly, working, physio and the rest is hard work and leaves little time.

There hasn't been much to report, but about 3 weeks ago Evan started complaining his hip was hurting so we really slowed things down.  He hadn't been progressing and we felt he was dragging his legs more and not responding well to physio.  This was quite disheartening, but after a few weeks we stepped it up again - I think he just needed a rest.

He has started wheelchair basketball now and is really enjoying it.  He gets chattier and chattier by the day which is good but means he doesn't listen.  I've been told this is normal for a nearly four year old.

The big breakthrough happened this week.  earlier in the week he went for a session with Bobath which was quite intensive.  the next day he stood for 8 minutes unaided and took 18 consecutive steps, then 10 consecutive steps.  It was amazing.  He had been trying to earn his Toy Story 3 Nintendo Game for about a month (30 steps) and then he just blew it out of the water.  The next prize was 40 steps for an Elefun Game.  His private physio came and he did the whole lot - actually 50 - in the session.  Not all together, but it's a huge leap for him to even walk for 50 steps bit by bit, 10 at a time.  Later that day he still wanted to do more so he could win the next prize - it's gone up to 70 steps now otherwise I'll be bankrupt.

Lots of great things happening.  he will start horse riding to help his core stability in August and swimming lessons in a few weeks.  He is so much happier now and is proud of his walking achievements.

At the end of the month we are taking him to Disney in Florida.  This is his big treat for his birthday while he is there and for all the things he has gone through over the last year or so.

If anything major happens I will write again and will also try and keep posting on his facebook page.  Thanks to everyone who made this happen.
