Sunday, 20 February 2011

Hard work

The last two weeks have been really hard for Evan.  Physio is going really well and all the physios involved are reporting progress.  This is down to their hard work and the continued therapy at home.

Evan is only three and he rarely complains when he has to stretch twice a day, wear his knee immobilizer for an hour at a time and endure prodding and pulling. He is getting quite tired and he has started sleeping in the afternoon quite a bit.  He is using a lot more energy, so it is to be expected and we are going to up his snack intake to try and help him.

We have taken Evan out on his bike a few times and he is much better at pedaling.  He doesn't have to wear leg calipers anymore which is great. Before surgery he couldn't start himself off on his bike, but now he is able to do this.  He has also started back to swimming and is starting to get the confidence for me to let go a little.  This would never have happened before as he would have rolled over from being too stiff. 

He is now managing to stand unaided for 30 seconds, but still needs something behind him to give him comfort. The biggest gain has been his ability to lift his foot while standing unaided to try and step.  At the moment however he is then falling backwards as his balance is not quite there.  Still, this is a massive step for him and hopefully in the next post he will have managed to do it.

I also hope to have some photos to share next time.  We have some videos which I will try to update this post with once we download them. It's been a difficult transition from being in America to coming home for all of us.  Trying to juggle work, home and physio is a challenge, but we are getting there.

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